Market Skimming Pricing Example
Inefficient long-term strategy. An example of market-expansion pricing is found in the experience of a producer of asbestos shingles which had a limited sale in the high-price house market. Pricing Objectives The upper tiers of its marketwhich in B2B SaaS terms means enterprise-level deals with large companiesenabled Salesforce to make a tremendous amount of revenue quickly. . An example of price skimming strategy is seen with tech companies with the introduction of new technology. For example value. Penetration pricing is a pricing strategy where the price of a product is initially set low to rapidly reach a wide fraction of the market and initiate word of mouth. Price skimming is a product pricing strategy by which a firm charges the highest initial price that customers will pay and then lowers it over time. For example companies such as Mylan holding virtual monopolies over segments of the market could be required. In t...